
I'm Esteban, a computer engineer with more than 12 years of experience, currently living in Urdinarrain, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

Lately I've been working as a Team Lead and Javascript senior developer in Node.js and React for different clients and projects.

I'm looking for new challenges and opportunities to continue growing professionally in roles such as Tech Lead, Team Lead or Sr Full Stack Developer.

Work & Projects

These are the latest jobs, the projects, and the tools I've used.


GEUT is an organization and a geek/tech lab, from where I participate in different projects and roles. Some of the most exciting products are: Sher and Permanent Seeder.
2018 | Present


Platform developed by GEUT for live audio streaming. In this product we have experimented and exploited the decentralized world with great passion. We managed to build a product capable of matching the services of the competition, reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs.
2019 | Present
Javascript Node.js PostgreSQL Graphql React Fastify Apollo Hypercore 


From GEUT I worked in collaboration with Sinaptia as team leader + full stack Javascript developer in an MVP of a cybersecurity platform, called Mekanoid, for the detection of incidents and automation of contingency tasks.
2022 | 2023
Javascript Node.js Graphql AWS SST React 


I worked developing a collaborative text editor synchronized by CRDT, for DXOS, a collaborative + decentralized development kit.
2018 | 2020
Javascript Node.js CRDT Yjs React 


I participated in several projects as a developer:
- Mobile application for telemedicine.
- Real-time advertising platform on line buses.
- Online evaluation, feedback and decision-making system, aimed at organizations that use award or admission systems, among others.
2017 | 2018
Javascript Node.js .NET Neo4j React React Native WebRTC 

Subsecretaría de Innovación y experiencia ciudadana

I worked as a developer in several projects, one of the most important was a chat-bot for citizen procedures assistance.
2016 | 2017
Javascript Node.js PHP React Laravel 

Language Trainers

Update, improvement and maintenance of various platforms. Migration and database maintenance.
2015 | 2016
Javascript PHP Laravel MySQL 

Unidad Ejecutora Provincial

Design of platforms for provincial educational works management. Development of new functionalities. Application maintenance.
2012 | 2014
Javascript PHP Laravel SQL Server 


Coordination and project management. Development of mobile applications for Android platforms. Supervision, maintenance and support.
2011 | 2014
Android Javascript PHP Laravel Symfony CodeIgniter 

Universidad Católica de La Plata

Application development and maintenance for UCALP's computer department.
2010 | 2011
Javascript PHP SQL Server 


I worked on several projects, one of them is a platform for construction technologies visualization.
2009 | 2010
OpenLaszlo Adobe Flex PHP 

AM Soluciones

I worked as a developer for various private projects.
PHP Drupal 

Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Facultad de Informática

Academic experience as a teaching assistant and ad honorem collaborator for Computer Programming course (Facultad de Informática). Help and support for new students.
2006 | 2007


Licenciado en Sistemas

University Degree obtained at Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Facultad de Informática.

Analista Programador Universitario

University Degree obtained at Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Facultad de Informática.



Advanced level

This site

This site was built with Astro, Tailwind CSS, React, i18next and a lot of nerd spirit .

It's hosted on GitHub Pages and through GitHub Actions I configured a workflow to update it automatically.

The theme is based on astro-theme-cactus.

Esteban Primost